Tuesday, October 12, 2010

School Starts!

Well, this week (on Sunday) the boys started school...Will is in 4th grade and Weston in Kindergarten. They are attending the American School of Dubai (ASD). Right now the school is about 20 minutes away from us but after the holidays they are opening up a brand new state of the art school just 5 minutes away from our new place. So far, they really like it. Will is getting adjusted to homework (so are we) last night we spent about 2 hours doing a project, math homework (they do on the internet) and PE homework. YES..PE homework!!!! I think once he gets adjusted to the workload he will be fine. He started soccer this week too so that is good - keeping him active...
The transportation to and from school is crazy. I have a taxi driver from Pakistan that has taken me under his wing and I call him when I need a ride and he comes. He has a family, including a five year old son, that he doesn't see back home. He works here and sends money. I've heard him talking on the phone to his wife and little boy and it is so sad. He kisses the phone and I think enjoys driving Weston around because it reminds him of his son. Pakistan is a four hour plane trip and it is very hard for them to save money to get back home.

He picks us up at 7:45am at the hotel, drives us to school. I run in and drop off boys and he waits..then drives me back to hotel or to the store. Then, he picks me up again in the afternoon and then drives me to school to get the boys and back again. It's an expensive day but we don't have a car yet. Hopefully we will have a car soon! Chip needs to write a letter that says he "allows" me to drive. Too funny, I'm sure he will frame that one!! I have also met a couple of friends here that have given me a lift here and there - and we have another Cerner family we will start carpooling with once we move to the Palm (fingers crossed- tomorrow!)

I've attached the boys in their school uniforms on the first day of school - just khacki shorts and polo type shirts. So easy, LOVE having uniforms.

Miss everyone in the states but things are good here. It is very exciting and everyone here I've met (Americans) love it and say it is a great place to raise a family. I feel very safe here and they adore kids. Oh, and they pump your gas at the station! You don't even get out of your car!!! Love it:)

Thanks to everyone for keeping in touch. By the way, thanks to all who took our poll on the price of a hot wheels car...they are about $7 here! (Yes, the same ones that are $1 at home) and LEGOS are really expensive...so we know what to pick up when we get home:)

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